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Kailie Hartman

US and Canada: 1-888-714-5544
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Shannon Killian

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PASS Data Community Summit Code of Conduct

Redgate’s events seek to create a safe, respectful, friendly, patient, considerate, and inclusive event experience, and an environment where all participants feel welcome. We expect all participants to honor this Code of Conduct, which covers events and all related activities.

Any kind of disruptive, intolerant or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated, and we reserve the right to take any action that we deem appropriate, including removing any participants who violate our Code of Conduct from the event and prohibiting attendance at future events.

We do not tolerate any harassment or discrimination. Although this list cannot be exhaustive, we explicitly honor diversity in age, gender, gender identity and expression, culture, ethnicity, language, national origin, profession, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, physical and psychological ability, and technical ability.

All communication at the event should be appropriate for a professional audience, including people of many different backgrounds and experiences.

We expect all speaker materials to honor this Code of Conduct and reserve the right to request amends prior to presentation.

We have established the Code of Conduct to try to ensure participants safety and wellbeing and hope that no one will experience any inappropriate behavior during the Summit, however if there is a need to report an incident that violates the Summit Code of Conduct Policy, please raise the concern in line with the following procedure.

You can report any concerns, harassment or discriminatory behavior, or suspicious or disruptive activity (whether directed towards you or another participant) to, or complete this form.

Thank you for helping to ensure this event is a welcoming, friendly place for all to share, learn, and connect.


Answers to the most common questions we get from the community​.

About Summit 2023

Summit 2023 – Call for Speakers is officially open!

Planning for this year’s conference is well underway, and we’re so excited to open Summit 2023 Call for Speakers (CFS) today, through April 13th at 11:59 pm PST. For complete details on how to submit, make sure to read our comprehensive CFS Guide (Please note that the CFS Guide dates will be updated by early next week.)

As you’ve likely heard, PASS Data Community Summit returns to Seattle, Washington, November 14-17, exclusively in person.

From the Summit 2022 feedback, as well as this year’s in-person setting, we’ve simplified and reduced the program to 173 sessions, broken down into 129 community and 44 sponsor sessions. The submissions we receive from the Call for speakers will help us fill in the following breakdown of the 129 community sessions:

  • 1 Community Keynote
  • 4 Deep Dive sessions
  • 93 General sessions
  • 25 Learning Pathway sessions
  • 3 Panel sessions
  • 3 Lightning Talk sessions (made up of 6 lightning talks each)

Last year, Learning Pathway sessions were fully curated. This year, we would like to open the opportunity to everyone by accepting Learning Pathways through the CFS. Please make sure to prepare a detailed outline of your pathway sessions and speakers, which will act as your Abstract. Make sure to add all the session speakers in the Add Participant section as you go through the process. We’ll also be looking for interesting panel sessions and, of course, Lightning Talks. If you have any questions about Summit 2023 Call for Speakers, please let us know at


Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our Community Insights Survey, that ran from February 9th to the 23rd. Your feedback is invaluable and plays a big part in developing the balance of content for the Summit program each year. Check out the results of the survey here.

Based on the results of the insights survey, we’ll be aiming for the following breakdown of content by track – we’ve included a brief description of what we’re looking for:

Analytics 21%

Topics surrounding the process of analyzing of data including loading, cleaning, and querying of data for purely reporting purposes.

Architecture 18%

Topics about how computing processes and systems are structured. These may include high-level system configuration, data structures, internal processing, database design, etc. Generally, these topics should not be about writing code so much as why platforms, languages, etc. are set up or built in a certain way. Note that architecture topics may share some characteristics with other technical topics.

Database Management 31%

Tools and concepts about the ongoing management of different data processing platforms. Includes topics on backups and restores, performance tuning, installation, security, and any activities that are required to keep databases running their best.

Development 18%

Writing code in any language that is used to do business, including procedural and relational programming, for any reason other than strictly analytics or data platform management. For example, writing code to manage backups would be database management, while writing code to general processes like capture customer data would be development.

Professional Development 12%

Typically, non-technical sessions that have a goal of teaching about the processes of developing the attendee as an employee or as a person. Topics could include teaching about things like collaboration, mental health, life-work balance, diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, or accessibility.

As planning is in full swing, we want to ensure that we make every effort at to ensure a diverse, accessible, and inclusive conference. To support this, we expect all speakers to consider how to make their sessions and content accessible for all by considering the following when applying for Summit 2023 Call for Speakers:

  • Increase representation of diversity, which could be visible or invisible differences – everyone at Summit should feel they can show up as their authentic self.
  • Ensure fair access to opportunities for everyone by spotting individual and systemic biases. Initiate or welcome discussion to recognize and respond to bias.
  • Foster an environment where people with different identities feel welcomed, valued, and safe.

We’re also interested to know what we can do to support you, our speakers, to make the event inclusive for you, which you can let us know when you register for Summit, or by reaching out to us at

Speaker Benefits

Appreciation for speakers is always on our mind and this year, we are providing a 3-day registration to the main conference to speakers selected from this call for speakers. There are additional benefits provided depending on the session type, which are:

Pre-conference Session  1-day Pre-Con registration 

3-day Summit registration 

1-night of hotel 

Honorarium of $200 (USD) per paid registered attendee of the pre-con 

Optional speaker shirt 

Keynote Session  3-day Summit registration 

1-night of hotel 

One-time, flat fee, honorarium of $1,000 (USD) 

Optional speaker shirt 

Deep Dive, Learning Pathway, & General Session  3-day Summit registration 

1-night of hotel 

Optional speaker shirt 

Panel & Lightning Talk Sessions  3-day Summit registration 

Optional speaker shirt 


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

As planning is in full swing, we want to ensure that we make every effort to ensure a diverse, accessible, and inclusive conference. To support this, we expect all speakers to consider how to make their sessions and content accessible for all by considering the following:

Increase representation of diversity, which could be visible or invisible differences – everyone at Summit should feel they can show up as their authentic self.

Ensure fair access to opportunities for everyone by spotting individual and systemic biases. Initiate or welcome discussion to recognize and respond to bias.

Foster an environment where people with different identities feel welcomed, valued, and safe.

We’re also interested to know what we can do to support you, our speakers, to make the event inclusive for you, which you can let us know when you register for Summit, or by reaching out to us at

Dates to remember!

Call for Speakers opens  Mar 09 
Call for Speakers Early-bird Deadline  Mar 30 @ 11:59pm PST 
Call for Speakers Deadline  Apr 13 @ 11:59pm PST 
Abstract Review  Apr 17 – Jul 11 
Early-bird Results Notification (to accepted speakers)  May 11
Early-bird Announcement  May 18 
Call for Speakers Results Notification  Jul 12 
Main Program Announcement  Jul 13

Important note: The Early-Bird deadline is for those interested in being considered for the Community Keynote, Pre-Con sessions, and Learning Pathways. Those not selected as Early-bird picks will still be considered for the main program and will be notified of the final results in June.

We hope that you’re as excited as we are and will consider submitting a session, or more, for this year’s PASS Data Community Summit Call for Speakers. If you have any questions, or need help with the submission process, make sure to contact us at

Summit 2022 – what went well & what we learned 

It’s been just over three months since PASS Data Community Summit 2022. The organizing team at Redgate has been busy debriefing and planning, and now we’re excited to share an update with the community about what went well and what we learned from last year’s event.

Firstly, we’re incredibly grateful to all our attendees who shared their feedback with us through the post-Summit survey, on social media, and with us directly –a big thank you for all the insights you’ve shared. So – what were the highlights from Summit 2022?

A big hit with the community

One headline is that the event itself was overwhelmingly positively received, particularly by in-person attendees, who gave Summit 2022 a 4.5/5 star rating. As well as that amazing star rating, 95% of attendees reported that they met their personal goals for the event, and 95% also told us they took away actionable information that they could apply day to day.

Twitter testimonial print screen

Learning & networking are the top reasons for attending Summit

The top three reasons for registering for PASS Data Community Summit include: learning from the sessions, keeping up to date with the latest trends and technologies, and networking and connecting opportunities. We’re incredibly proud of the 400+ sessions delivered at Summit 2022, with the top-attended sessions rating 4.7/5 or above.

Our 356-strong speaker line-up included 39% of speakers who were new to Summit, and we’re delighted to support and champion these folks who’ll be future influential voices in the community. The community-curated learning pathways were popular, and Microsoft’s GA announcement for SQL Server 2022 was a particular highlight, with many of the related sessions seeing high attendance and ratings.

“Travelling to Seattle and meeting the #SQLFamily” were also called out as top reasons for attending.

Twitter printscreen

What we learned

In the spirit of continuous improvement, there were also some key learnings for Redgate as event organizers based on the 2022 feedback from Summit.

Summit was more diverse than ever

In 2022, we listened to feedback and shared our goal of at least 40% of our 2022 speakers coming from underrepresented groups. We exceeded this goal – with 42% representation of underrepresented groups across speakers, co-speakers, and moderators – to make Summit a more diverse and welcoming event. We were also excited to welcome 40% of our global audience who were experiencing Summit for the very first time.

The formation of our community-driven DEI steering group was also a big success, and we’ll be continuing to improve our approach to diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging (DEIB) in 2023.

The in-person experience was more valuable for attendees than online

Although both online and in-person attendees rated the event highly, we saw a discrepancy in these ratings. NPS (net promoter) scores, in particular, came in at 67 for the in-person event (on the cusp of excellence!), whereas online NPS scores sat at 44 – still good, but substantially lower. This aligns with industry data we’ve seen from other hybrid events.

On the whole, we have good evidence that the online version of the event hasn’t created the same valuable experience as going to Summit in person. We were also hoping that the online option might allow people who couldn’t travel internationally to get a flavor of the Summit experience, but in the end, 85% of Summit online attendees were based in the US or Canada, so this option didn’t serve the global community as effectively as we’d hoped.

From an operational perspective, managing an online event at the same time as an in-person Summit added significant complexity. This, combined with the mixed attendee feedback, and a desire to deliver a solid and engaging in-person event, has informed our decision to run Summit exclusively in-person this year.

We’ve already applied this lesson to our plans for 2023 – this year’s Summit will be in-person only, rather than a hybrid event. To find out more about Summit 2023, check out our recent save-the-date blog post.

Topics & technologies of interest are evolving

Something else we heard from the community, both at the event and in post-event surveys, is that Summit attendees are looking for content that covers a more diverse range of subjects, not just SQL Server: you want to hear about database technologies such as PostgreSQL, and broader subjects relevant to the data field, like analytics, machine learning & AI.

Our ecosystem of sponsors (including the team at Redgate!) welcomes this insight, and we’re excited to shape the 2023 program to meet the evolving needs of the community.

Stay up to date

This is just the beginning. The best ways to stay up to date with plans for Summit 2023 are by signing up for regular news in your inbox and following us on Twitter.

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