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Kevin Wilkie

James Phillips

Heidi Hasting

Ben Weissman

Pragati Jain

Convince your boss

This email template highlights the value of attending Summit, and it’s certain to help you in getting your boss on board.

Hi [insert manager’s name here]

I’m interested in attending the 2023 PASS Data Community Summit from November 14th – 17th in Seattle, WA, and would like your approval. After extensive research and exploration, I believe Summit is the ideal conference to provide me with high-quality data training that will give our department maximum return on investment.

Summit is the largest global data conference, bringing together thousands of data platform professionals (including DBAs, Engineers, Architects, and Managers) each year to connect, share and learn. It offers three full days of sessions with two days of pre-conference deep dives – hands-on training workshops presenting best practices and networking opportunities with the industry’s leading data experts. 

Here is what a three-day pass will give me access to:

  • Keynotes from thought leaders in the data industry
  • Sessions with global speakers
  • Networking opportunities to create long-lasting connections with peers
  • Updates on the latest technology advances and innovations
  • Insights into new solutions that will help make our team more efficient
  • Q&As with speakers and experts throughout the event
  • Lunches are included, so I can dedicate more time to learning and connecting

Here’s an approximate breakdown of the conference costs:

Airfare:$ XX
Transportation:$ XX
Hotel (2 nights at ~$250):$ 500
Dinner (3 days at $50):$ 150
General Registration Fee:$ XX
Pre-Conference Training Fee (optional):$ XX
Total:$ XXX

By registering, I will also have access to special rates for hotels located at a walking distance from the conference. Attending Summit will not only aid my professional growth but will also bring valuable takeaways and insights to our entire team. I will happily create a post-conference report including major takeaways, tips, and recommendations, and could also schedule a debrief to share what I’ve learned with the company.

You can read more information about the event at

Thank you for considering my request.

I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you.

[Sign Off],
[Your Name]

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