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Meet the Volunteers

The amazing group of volunteers that stepped up and dedicated their time to the 2022 PASS Data Community Summit program committee.

Pragati Jain profile picture

Pragati Jain

Analytics Lead

Ben Weissman profile picture

Ben Weissman

Analytics Team

Heidi Hasting profile picture

Heidi Hasting

Analytics Team

James Phillips profile picture

James Phillips

Analytics Team

Kevin Wilkie profile picture

Kevin Wilkie

Analytics Team

Linda A Lorentz Fletcher profile picture

Linda A Lorentz Fletcher

Architecture Lead

Eduardo Castro profile picture

Eduardo Castro

Architecture Team

Hamish Watson profile picture

Hamish Watson

Architecture Team

Tjay Belt profile picture

Tjay Belt

Architecture Team

Jason Brimhall profile picture

Jason Brimhall

Database Mgt Lead

Annette Allen profile picture

Annette Allen

Database Mgt Team

Leonardo Fonseca profile picture

Leonardo Fonseca

Database Mgt Team

Pamela Mooney profile picture

Pamela Mooney

Database Mgt Team

Andy Yun profile picture

Andy Yun

Development Lead

Ásgeir Gunnarsson profile picture

Ásgeir Gunnarsson

Development Team

Chris Hyde profile picture

Chris Hyde

Development Team

Deepthi Goguri profile picture

Deepthi Goguri

Development Team

Mala Mahadevan profile picture

Mala Mahadevan

PD/DE&I Lead

Josephine Bush profile picture

Josephine Bush

PD/DE&I Team

Matt Hilbert profile picture

Matt Hilbert

PD/DE&I Team

Michael Johnson profile picture

Michael Johnson

PD/DE&I Team

Louis Davidson profile picture

Louis Davidson

Special Projects Team

Monica Rathbun profile picture

Monica Rathbun

Special Projects Team

Sanil Mhatre profile picture

Sanil Mhatre

Special Projects Team

Tim Ford profile picture

Tim Ford

Special Projects Team

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